Crime and accident scenes undergo lengthy and complex investigations, however the scene changes or needs to be cleared in a relatively short period of time. Therefore the authenticity and the quality of the data, captured immediately following the incident, is crucial to the accuracy of the reconstruction.
The investigators have already realised that in order to solve forensics and accident cases, it is vital to quickly document the crime or accident environment in high detail without interfering with the scene and to allow all details of the scene to be scrutinized during the subsequent investigation.
By means of 3D laser scanning, IQvolution Bulgaria EOOD solves one of the core problems, investigators are facing today: to capture digitally enough geometric and semantic data at the initial crime scene before the scene has changed. Thus investigators can efficiently analyse complex physical crime and accident environments on the basis of cultivated equivalent digital documents.
In a 3D digitised crime scene, bullet trajectories, as well as blood spatter origins, can be calculated and line of sight can be identified and demonstrated. The personal viewpoints of each individual involved can be evaluated giving an accurate insight not only into the sequence of the crime events, but also into the changes of the crime environment. The digital documentation of a vehicle before and after the impact contributes to the reliable assessment of the impact of the collision and the deformation of the vehicle.